My Symptoms.

Mix things up. If given a choice, red or blue, I will decide on red, announce or otherwise declare my decision as red, then walk off with the blue.

General Disorganization. Lots of people are disorganized, but dyslexics really take the cake. We seem to actively resist any type of organization. Mostly I find organization and planning very frustrating because I miss things out, or mix things up.

I'll ask a question, and then not listen to the answer. This can happened 3 times in a row, my record is 7.
I can't sleep with the TV or Radio on. It's ok if the radio, not the TV is playing music but if it's talking I have to listen.

Short Term Memory Problems. I forget everything as soon as it's out of sight. This is considered to be a big contributor to dyslexics' tenancy to be disorganized.

Slow Visual Processing. It takes me 60% longer to solve a visual puzzle than normal. This reason for this, this is purely down to the way my brain processed information.
For instance, let say I was looking to read a word out loud. I would look at the word, my brain first takes all the letters in the word and sorts them in the right order and interprets the meaning of the word, then speaks the word. Someone without dyslexia will just read and identify the word, then speak it.
Because of all this extra processing it's nearly impossibly to read at any real speed, or even at a speaking pace. Also in all the confusion it's difficult to take any of the what we're reading in.